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Koolkam 2d 1.0

Koolkam 2d 1.0

Koolkam 2d Publisher's Description

Hello and welcome to the World's first real-time interactive special-fx web casting software system with WYSIWYB [WUZ-C-WIB] (what you see is what you broadcast) Koolkam 2d Personal! Koolkam 2d is a fun and powerful evolution in entertainment and personal image broadcasting. The days of needing spend hours getting to know many powerful and expensive programs to produce stunning and artistic images are gone! With Koolkam 2d you can create amazing images in no time at all! How? All the special effects are all done in real-time as you watch! New in RC6 - winamp song title support - mini view - animated gif in video stream - Advanced caption editor - many many more kool features!

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